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‘Wilderness’ at the Schirn Kunsthalle

Briton Riviere - Beyond Man's Footsteps

Briton Riviere: ‘Beyond Man’s Footsteps’, 1894

‘Wilderness’ at the Schirn Kunsthalle The Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt presents ‘Wilderness’, an extensive thematic exhibition to the fascination with wilderness from modernity to the present. November 1, 2018 – February 3, 2019.]]>

Source: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt

In times in which the blank spaces on the world map have largely disap¬peared and an “untouched natural state” virtu¬ally only exists in the form of areas desig¬nated as nature reserves, the “wilder¬ness” is returning in art. The search for the last open places, the expe¬di¬tion as an artistic medium, visions of a posthuman world char¬ac¬terize the works of many contem¬porary artists along¬side the rene¬go¬ti¬a¬tion of the rela¬tion¬ship between indi¬vidual and beast.

With “wilder¬ness”, what is under consid¬er¬a¬tion is a cultural concept that has always also served as a projec¬tion surface for the other and the alien, for anti¬types and fantasies of desire beyond the bound¬aries of a self-appointed civi¬liza¬tion. In the current “age of human beings,” the utopia of a natural state removed from culture and human influ¬ence seems outdated. The exam¬i-na¬tion of tradi¬tional images and fictions of wilder¬ness, however, seem more alive than ever before.

The exhibition includes works by Darren Almond, Karel Appel, Hicham Berrada, Frères Bisson, Julian Charrière, Ian Cheng, Marcus Coates, Constant, Tacita Dean, Mark Dion, Jean Dubuffet, Max Ernst, Joan Fontcu¬berta, Luke Fowler, GUN (Group Ultra Niigata), Camille Henrot, Pieter Hugo, Asger Jorn, Per Kirkeby, Jacob Kirkegaard, Joachim Koester, Richard Long, Heinz Mack, Ana Mendieta, Helmut Midden¬dorf, Georgia O’Keeffe, Richard Oelze, Gerhard Richter, Briton Rivière, Henri Rousseau, Lin May Saeed, Frank Stella, Thomas Struth and Carleton E. Watkins.

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‘Wilderness’ at the Schirn Kunsthalle